Kindergarten- Grade 5
Elementary years are the supportive ‘Boughs’ of our ‘Growing Children’ program here at Honey Tree and Branches Academy. This is the time in a child’s life when the socialization and academic skills from their early formative years continue to grow, strengthen, and ‘Branch’ out into diverse academic areas and social settings requiring applicable problem solving. We provide a challenging, standards based curriculum, in a consistent caring, social, emotional environment to assist in the growth and development of these vital ‘Boughs’ for your child’s educational journey. Small class sizes, differentiated learning, multi age classes, structure, and project based learning are important components of our Elementary Program at Honey Tree and Branches Academy. Your child will feel included in our small school community, where knowledge and respect are encouraged and expected, and we all reach for the ‘Highest Branches’.
The 'Boughs' of Branches

Small Class Sizes
Our small private school setting allows us to provide small class sizes for your student. Our classrooms are capped off at 16 students, with an average of 12. The small class sizes allow our highly qualified staff to give your student the individual attention that they deserve.

Social Emotional Learning
We create a positive environment to ensure that our students feel secure and have positive self esteem. Our expectation is for all students to be respectful, kind, and caring toward others. Our students develop a Social Contract that each member of their classroom is expected to uphold. We model and teach appropriate social skills to develop Leaders of Character!

Differentiated Learning
We utilize differentiated Language Arts and Mathematics Curriculums in multi age settings to meet the needs of your diverse learner. We do not limit our students to only a chronological aged curriculum. Our students are challenged to Reach for the Highest Branches.